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SKU: 12345678

Organic aluminum free deodorant. 2 oz. Rub on deodorant pleasantly scented with essential oils. With average usage should last for three to four months. When converting to a clean deodorant allow a period of adjustment while your pits detox from the commercial products, it may feel as though for some it isn't working but within a couple weeks your body will adjust and adapt to your new non-toxic armpit love. You will still sweat that is a good thing, overtime your body should adjust and find balance with the blend created to help absorb not stop your body’s' natural functioning. While at times you may feel as though you smell bad, you realize when your body has cooled that the deodorant is still working. Note, when your body is fighting an infection your tongue and your armpits are the first sign, stress can also adjust how your pits smell.

Onto the options that are available for you to choose from. If you are local and want to grab your deodorant from me personally, please email me via the contact from and you can save yourself the shipping cost.  Also, bring your jar back to receive a dollar off of your refill.

All deodorants are avaliable in regular or vegan (sans beeswax)


Womens Lavender, MayChang, Ylang Ylang (May Chang less earthy Lemongrass) mid and bass notes with a hint of lemony sweetness



Unisex MayChang Sweet and lemony resemebles Lemongrass with a hint of juicyfruit


Unisex Lavender Basil Earthy with mid and bass notes a refreshing scent


Unisex Unscented simple no scent


Mens Herbaceous Hunk (can be unisex) Blend of essential oils with earthy bass notes


Mens Scented Basil, Bergamot and Birch.

  • Product Info

    Organic aluminum free deodorant. 2 oz.

    Rub on deodorant pleasantly scented with essential oils. All ingredients are organic. With average usage should last for three to four months


    Mens Scented Basil, Bergamot and Birch Spicy, earthy and slight sweet aroma. Mid and bass notes


    Womens Ylang Ylang, Maychang, Lavender floral, and hints of lemon and grass florarly, sweet with a top and mid notes.


    Unisex Basil Lavender Spicy, earthy and refreshing with a wild lavender breeze, bass notes and clean fresh finish mid and bass notes


    Unisex Maychang Sweet Lemon with grassy notes. Reminds me of Juicyfruit chewing gum. midnotes


    Unisex Unscented not much to say here. You know rub it on and forget it, no free smells here


    Organic aluminum free deodorant. 2 oz. Rub on deodorant pleasantly scented with essential oils. With average usage should last for three to four months. 


    When converting to a clean deodorant allow a period of adjustment while your pits detox from the commercial products, it may feel as though for some it isn't working but within a couple weeks your body will adjust and adapt to your new non-toxic armpit love.  You will still sweat that is a good thing, overtime your body should adjust and find balance with the blend created to help absorb not stop your body’s' natural functioning.  While at times you may feel as though you smell bad, you realize when your body has cooled that the deodorant is still working.  Note, when your body is fighting an infection your tongue and your armpits are the first sign, stress can also adjust how your pits smell. Bring your empty jar back for a dollar off of your refill, cause I want you to recycle. Locals please feel free to contact me to place your order via the contact form to avoid the shipping cost within the Des moines area.  I am located in the Beaverdale area.



  • Vegan avaliable!

    Also avaliable in vegan without beeswax. Please specify when placing your order, this applies to deodorant and body butter and two versions of body scrubs


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